Lecture 3 - Classification and Properties of Matter and Energy

Saturday, January 13, 2024

10:09 AM

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie (﷟HYPERLINK "https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1903/ceremony-speech/"Nobel Prize in Physics 1903) (﷟HYPERLINK "https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/chemistry/1911/ceremony-speech/"Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1911)

﷟HYPERLINK "https://boisestatecanvas.instructure.com/courses/28698/discussion_topics/653846"This week's overview
Assignments this week:
﷟HYPERLINK "https://boisestatecanvas.instructure.com/courses/28698/assignments/984054"HW 2 (1.5-1.6) on Aktiv Chemistry due this Friday. Covers properties of matter and energy. 
No reading quiz on 1.5-1.6
﷟HYPERLINK "https://boisestatecanvas.instructure.com/courses/28698/assignments/984555"Reading quiz on 2.1-2.2 due this Friday.
﷟HYPERLINK "https://boisestatecanvas.instructure.com/courses/28698/assignments/984618"HW 3 (2.1-2.2) on Aktiv Chemistry due this Sunday. Covers periodic table, electron configurations, and valence electrons
﷟HYPERLINK "https://boisestatecanvas.instructure.com/courses/28698/assignments/984055"Activity 1 (Elemental Exploration: A Personal Journey through the Periodic Table).
Write-up by next week Wednesday (1/24)
Peer reviews due next Sunday (1/28).
Office Hours: 
Friday 11-1 CIC 
﷟HYPERLINK "https://calendly.com/bricejurban/office-hours"By appointment
Today's Schedule:
Composition of the Universe
Classifying matter
Pure substances (Elements and Compounds)
Mixtures (homogeneous and heterogeneous)
Classifying energy
Classifying forces
Element Assignments!
Properties of Matter
Physical (Intrinsic & Extrinsic)
Properties of Energy
Energy Diagrams
Thursday's Schedule:
The Periodic Table (history & modern)
Electron configurations (complete & condensed)
Valence electrons

Everything is composed of either matter or energy in ﷟HYPERLINK "https://youtu.be/u8lx19V7SNg?si=Q1W1DK9Z0ktZ4gQs"spacetime

Click this link to open a wall chart called the Correlated History of Matter
Includes: Timeline of Matter and Energy
Earth Rocks and Minerals
Meteorites and Rocks created by Impacts
 Periodic Table
Fundamental Particles and Forces
Double click 
this icon

Untitled picture.png Matter and energy 
in toda Is Universe 
Dark Energy 65% 
Dark Matter 30% 
Free Hydrogen 
and Helium 
Heavy Elements 0.03% 
Dark matter is an invisible substance thought to make up about 27% of the universe's mass, influencing the motion of galaxies and galaxy clusters, while dark energy is a mysterious force driving the accelerated expansion of the universe, comprising about 68% of the universe's total energy content.
Untitled picture.png Matter and energy 
in toda Is Universe 
Dark Energy 65% 
Dark Matter 30% 
Free Hydrogen 
and Helium 
Heavy Elements 0.03% 

Dark matter is an invisible substance thought to make up about 27% of the universe's mass, influencing the motion of galaxies and galaxy clusters, while dark energy is a mysterious force driving the accelerated expansion of the universe, comprising about 68% of the universe's total energy content.

The remaining 5% of the universe is composed of ordinary, or "baryonic," matter, which includes everything that we can see, feel, and measure directly - stars, planets, galaxies, and all other forms of matter made up of atoms. This includes the energy associated with that matter.

How can we classify matter?
Matter makes up the substances in the universe
It is anything that has mass and takes up space 
We classify matter in terms of how it can be separated, either by physical or chemical means. 

Embedded file printout Composition of Matter_1.png ixtu 
Is me composition unißrrn? 
Can it pnysica'y separated 
based on see, Censny. or 
physical property'? 
(Fitration. OistjllaW1. Evapuatjon, 
Decantabon. Magnebc Separation. 
Centrifugation, Chromatogram 
Sieving. Sedimentabon. Suünation, 
Extracton. Precimtabon, 
Recrystaüzabon. etc) 
ure Substan 
Can it be Chemicay 
omel chemical reactions) 
s disso 
14kt gold 
58.5% Au 
440 ppm C02 
trace gases 
such as water 
14kt 'mite 
vapor and ozone 
115% Ni 
Am a" ams 
(Mercury ( F -"J 
another meta) 
a nite 
Substance knownas 
a Solute dissolved 
in a liWid Solvent 
(Components or phages 
'med Phase 
that dont mix 
(Exam*- and water) 
SOWd that 
dissolve in a but 
remain even S 
(Examples. paint, bk)Od) 
Very rme particles 
dispersed another 
Can be solid 
•quid gas, etc 
Examples: Wk, Fog) 
or mue different elements 
Water ("20) 
Table san (Nacr) 
sucrose (C12H22011) 
Gold (Aul 
Alumnum (N) 
oxygen (02) 
Ozone (03) 
Nitogen (N2) 
(NaCl in Water) 
Sugar soX (Sucrose in 
Viegar (acetic n water) 


Ink Drawings
Embedded file printout Composition of Matter_1.png ixtu 
Is me composition unißrrn? 
Can it pnysica'y separated 
based on see, Censny. or 
physical property'? 
(Fitration. OistjllaW1. Evapuatjon, 
Decantabon. Magnebc Separation. 
Centrifugation, Chromatogram 
Sieving. Sedimentabon. Suünation, 
Extracton. Precimtabon, 
Recrystaüzabon. etc) 
ure Substan 
Can it be Chemicay 
omel chemical reactions) 
s disso 
14kt gold 
58.5% Au 
440 ppm C02 
trace gases 
such as water 
14kt 'mite 
vapor and ozone 
115% Ni 
Am a" ams 
(Mercury ( F -"J 
another meta) 
a nite 
Substance knownas 
a Solute dissolved 
in a liWid Solvent 
(Components or phages 
'med Phase 
that dont mix 
(Exam*- and water) 
SOWd that 
dissolve in a but 
remain even S 
(Examples. paint, bk)Od) 
Very rme particles 
dispersed another 
Can be solid 
•quid gas, etc 
Examples: Wk, Fog) 
or mue different elements 
Water ("20) 
Table san (Nacr) 
sucrose (C12H22011) 
Gold (Aul 
Alumnum (N) 
oxygen (02) 
Ozone (03) 
Nitogen (N2) 
(NaCl in Water) 
Sugar soX (Sucrose in 
Viegar (acetic n water) 

How can we classify Energy?
Energy is what enables matter to move and change

Embedded file printout Energy Flowchart_1.png nerg 
pcwet Plants stars 
crams Rubber Band 
(Uranium) (Hydrogen) 
Energy can transform from one form to another 
The Total energy in a closed system remains constant 

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Embedded file printout Energy Flowchart_1.png nerg 
pcwet Plants stars 
crams Rubber Band 
(Uranium) (Hydrogen) 
Energy can transform from one form to another 
The Total energy in a closed system remains constant 
How can we classify Forces?
Forces are the interactions that dictate how energy and matter behave
Embedded file printout Forces Flowchart_1.png Force 
between charged partides Radioactive &cay 
Carried by mons Carried by W, Z particles 
FMce 01 attr action 
all masses 
Carried by gravitons? 
(not yet discovered) 
Structure ot universe 
Omits of *nets 
Terrestrial gravity 
In finite range 
A:ts on PMbcJeS 
Electriciy and Magnetism 
Electron-proton attracbon 
Electron• Electron repu On 
Much stronger 
than Gravity 
I nMite range 
Attractive Ot 
Acts on and leptons 
(e.g. nuclei and electons) 
weaker than EM 
but stronger than 
V" short range 
Acts on Warks. 
charged leptons, and 
Force that binds protons 
and neurons 
Carried b/ glums 
Holds nucleus togemer 
(the glue) 
Very st-Mt 
Acts on warts. 
and 'uons 
Higgs Fie 
A tied that 
gives mass to particles 
through the Higgs mechanism 
Carried by Hiws parbcÉ 
Not a force but essential 
lot the magg 01 W 
and Z particleswWch 
carry the weak force 
Peter Higgs 

﷟HYPERLINK "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZLvHM_mt6Y"Neil deGrasse Tyson explains the Higgs boson particle
BBC Radio 4

Neil deGrasse Tyson explains the Higgs boson particle Press enter to activate
Embedded file printout Forces Flowchart_1.png Force 
between charged partides Radioactive &cay 
Carried by mons Carried by W, Z particles 
FMce 01 attr action 
all masses 
Carried by gravitons? 
(not yet discovered) 
Structure ot universe 
Omits of *nets 
Terrestrial gravity 
In finite range 
A:ts on PMbcJeS 
Electriciy and Magnetism 
Electron-proton attracbon 
Electron• Electron repu On 
Much stronger 
than Gravity 
I nMite range 
Attractive Ot 
Acts on and leptons 
(e.g. nuclei and electons) 
weaker than EM 
but stronger than 
V" short range 
Acts on Warks. 
charged leptons, and 
Force that binds protons 
and neurons 
Carried b/ glums 
Holds nucleus togemer 
(the glue) 
Very st-Mt 
Acts on warts. 
and 'uons 
Higgs Fie 
A tied that 
gives mass to particles 
through the Higgs mechanism 
Carried by Hiws parbcÉ 
Not a force but essential 
lot the magg 01 W 
and Z particleswWch 
carry the weak force 
Peter Higgs 

Element Assignments!
﷟HYPERLINK "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK2SVfDMMrU"The Periodic Table Song with real elements
The Periodic Table Song with real elements Press enter to activate
Our first activity this semester is to become an expert on an element. 
There are exactly 118 students in this class and there are 118 elements on the periodic table. Coincidence no? 

I have 118 element cards in my possession. You will randomly draw one to research. You'll write a short paper then share it with your classmates. Yay!

Here is the details of the assignment:
﷟HYPERLINK "https://boisestatecanvas.instructure.com/courses/28698/assignments/984055"Activity 1 (Elemental Exploration: A Personal Journey through the Periodic Table)

Properties of Matter
Chemists are interested in the various properties of substances. A property is any observable  or measurable characteristic that helps us describe the sample
Extensive Physical Properties
Depend on the amount of matter present

Amount of substance (mols)
Untitled picture.png 

Untitled picture.png sdno 
Untitled picture.png um p/ geauad 
01) 'ö•dd03 

The-relative-size-scale-of-macro-micro-and-nanoscopic-objects-reproduced-with.png The Scale of Things — Nanometers and More 
Ahings Natural 
Things Manmade 
Oust mite 
— urn 
—10 nm diaræk 
—2, ntn 
- 5 mm 
- lcm pm 
AT P synthea 
Atoms of sue' 
0078 nm 
10-0 m 
0.1 mm 
I nanometers = 
I micronMcr 
0.1 pm 
m run 
I nanometer (nm) 
0.1 nm 
Head of a 
O prn w'de 
x •ray 
c of iron on co 
positicn•d one at a time with an "tip 
The Challenge 
The-relative-size-scale-of-macro-micro-and-nanoscopic-objects-reproduced-with.png The Scale of Things — Nanometers and More 
Ahings Natural 
Things Manmade 
Oust mite 
— urn 
—10 nm diaræk 
—2, ntn 
- 5 mm 
- lcm pm 
AT P synthea 
Atoms of sue' 
0078 nm 
10-0 m 
0.1 mm 
I nanometers = 
I micronMcr 
0.1 pm 
m run 
I nanometer (nm) 
0.1 nm 
Head of a 
O prn w'de 
x •ray 
c of iron on co 
positicn•d one at a time with an "tip 
The Challenge 

﷟HYPERLINK "https://scaleofuniverse.com/en"Scale of the Universe (scaleofuniverse.com)
Intensive Physical Properties
Do not depend on the amount of matter present
Untitled picture Image result for quantum dots colors

Change of State
States-of-Matter-scaled-1-1536x1024.jpg States of Matter - Teach Kids Chemistry
States-of-Matter-scaled-1-1536x1024.jpg States of Matter - Teach Kids Chemistry
Untitled picture.png Density vs Atomic Weight of Elements (colored by melting point) 
In sn 
atomic weight (amu) 

Melting and Boiling Point
13188-2-49R-i1.png Solved: Chapter 2 Problem 49R Solution | Addison-Wesley Chemistry 5th  Edition | Chegg.com
13188-2-49R-i1.png Solved: Chapter 2 Problem 49R Solution | Addison-Wesley Chemistry 5th  Edition | Chegg.com

ap6901.jpg Solubility Rules Chart, Notebook Size, Pad of 30 | Flinn Scientific
Untitled picture.png
ap6901.jpg Solubility Rules Chart, Notebook Size, Pad of 30 | Flinn Scientific

Untitled picture.png 

Untitled picture.png 

Untitled picture.png јачЦН 

Untitled picture.png 

Untitled picture.png Luster 

Chemical Properties
Observed or measured by trying to change the chemical identity of the substance
Biological activity

Untitled picture.png flammable 
Untitled picture.png flammable 

Properties of Energy
Chemical changes are always accompanied by energy changes
Substances possess energy due to their composition and structure
This is a form of potential energy called chemical energy
The products of a chemical change are different in composition and structure than the reactants and will have smaller or larger amounts of chemical energy
Less chemical energy in products
More chemical energy in products
Energy is liberated in the form of heat, light, or electricity
Energy is absorbed in the form of heat, heat, light, or electricity
This process is Exothermic
This process is Endothermic
﷟HYPERLINK "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdCsbZf1_Ng"Thermite vs. Car

Thermite vs. Car Press enter to activate, F23 -Jon 

﷟HYPERLINK "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PijjjHjjsck"The Endothermic Reaction between Barium Hydroxide and Ammonium Thiocyanate

The Endothermic Reaction between Barium Hydroxide and Ammonium Thiocyanate Press enter to activate

750px-ExothermicSketchGraphKS4.png Exothermic - Key Stage Wiki
Untitled picture Endothermic - Key Stage Wiki
﷟HYPERLINK "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbRl1-Bw0dA"Hot and Cool Chemical Reactions 
The chemistry of hot and cold packs
Hot and Cool Chemical Reactions Press enter to activate

Practice for today
Untitled picture.png Write the symbol and name for nuclides containing the following numbers of nuclear particles. 
a. 8 protons and 8 neutrons 
b. 82 protons and 126 neutrons 
c. 92 protons and 142 neutrons 

Untitled picture.png Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a neutral atom ofthe given nuclide. 
a. mercury-196 
b. silver-107 
c. nitrogen-15 

Untitled picture.png Classify each mixture as homogeneous or heterogeneous. 
a bowl of corn flakes (with milk) 
sterling silver 

Untitled picture.png Classify each property as a chemical property or physical property. 
the number of electrons an element is likely to gain or lose when mixed with another element 
energy required to boil a liter of a liquid 
how easily a substance cracks when struck 
the ability of a substance to react with water 
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homogeneous (alloy)
𝐚. ﷐𝟖﷮𝟏𝟔﷮𝐎﷯     𝐛.  ﷐𝟖𝟐﷮𝟐𝟎𝟖﷮𝐏𝐛﷯      𝐜.  ﷐𝟗𝟐﷮𝟐𝟑𝟒﷮𝐔﷯
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Untitled picture.png Classify each property as a chemical property or physical property. 
the number of electrons an element is likely to gain or lose when mixed with another element 
energy required to boil a liter of a liquid 
how easily a substance cracks when struck 
the ability of a substance to react with water 

Untitled picture.png Indicate whether the change described is exothermic or endothermic. If an aspect of the system is 
italicized, consider only that aspect. 
creation of liquid nitrogen from gaseous nitrogen 
formation of clouds from water vapor 
movement of steam through a turbine to produce power 
a slice of bread toasting 
a bowl of gelatin gelling in the refrigerator 

***Extra information outside scope of class, but Fun!***

Fermions are generally thought of as particles of matter: the quarks, which combine to form protons and neutrons; and the leptons, which include electrons, the lesser-known muons and taus, and the nearly massless neutrinos, which only rarely interact with other matter.

Bosons, on the other hand, are the "force-carrying" particles: the photons, the gluons, and the Z and W bosons. Fermions exchange these between each other to generate, respectively, the electromagnetic, strong and weak forces. (There is presumably a graviton for gravitation, but it has yet to be detected). Lastly, the Higgs boson does not represent a force, per se, but it is what imbues the fermions with mass.

Bosons - named for Indian physicist ﷟HYPERLINK "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satyendra_Nath_Bose"Satyendra Nath Bose - are the conformists of the particle world, and photons their poster child. Technically speaking, they "show an enhanced probability to be in the same quantum state," ﷟HYPERLINK "https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2004/wilczek/biographical/"Wilczek says. "More colloquially," he adds, "you might say they like to do the same thing." Think of a laser beam: It's made of countless photons all moving in the same direction, exhibiting the same color. They cooperate, in a sense.

stew.jpg Forceful Spices 
all 5! 
physical (extensive)
physical (intensive)
exothermic (the gas must lose energy to form a liquid)
exothermic (the vapor (gas) must lose energy to form clouds (a liquid of sorts)
neither. The movement of a gas is not a transfer of heat
endothermic. energy is being absorbed by the toast as it toasts (warms)
exothermic. energy is being lost by the gelatin as it gels (cools)
Bosons - named for Indian physicist ﷟HYPERLINK "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satyendra_Nath_Bose"Satyendra Nath Bose - are the conformists of the particle world, and photons their poster child. Technically speaking, they "show an enhanced probability to be in the same quantum state," ﷟HYPERLINK "https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2004/wilczek/biographical/"Wilczek says. "More colloquially," he adds, "you might say they like to do the same thing." Think of a laser beam: It's made of countless photons all moving in the same direction, exhibiting the same color. They cooperate, in a sense.

Fermions - named for Italian physicist ﷟HYPERLINK "https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1938/fermi/biographical/"Enrico Fermi - on the other hand, are antisocial. They refuse to occupy the same quantum state, or, to extend the analogy, they don't like to do the same thing. This is the essence of the Pauli exclusion principle, which finds its epitome in electrons. Because no two can exist in the same state, they are forced into the various shells around their atoms. This restricted arrangement produces all the elements in the periodic table, along with their dazzling chemical properties.

A link to the article I found this information from ------------------------->
FermionBoson2.png Idon't want to 
sharea !room 
اسا لرا 
LWedon't mind 
sharing !roorns 
For more information on the fundamental particles of nature  ---------->


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